Logos Consulting Group is pleased to report that Reputation Management: The Key to Successful Public Relations and Corporate Communication, second edition, will be published in Chinese in 2016.
Reputation Management, second edition, is published by Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, a global publisher based in London, specializing in quality academic books, journals, and online reference. The co-authors are John Doorley and Helio Fred Garcia. Doorley is the former Academic Director of the NYU Master’s in PR and Corporate Communication. He spent 13 years as head of corporate communication at Merck, Inc., during which Merck was frequently rated one of the most admired companies by Fortune magazine. Garcia is the president of Logos Consulting Group and an adjunct professor of management and communication at New York University.
The book includes chapters on social media by Logos consultant Laurel Hart and on corporate responsibility by Logos senior advisor Anthony Ewing. It also includes contributions from Logos Institute senior fellow Raleigh Mayer.
The publisher of the Chinese edition will be Tsinghua University Press, the publishing house of Tsinghua University, the top-rated university in China. In 2011 Helio Fred Garcia taught at Tsinghua University as a Distinguished International Scholar.
Reputation Management will also be published in Korean in 2016 by Alma books.