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Korean Edition of Reputation Management Published

Logos Consulting Group is pleased to announce that the Korean language edition of Reputation Management: The Key to Successful Public Relations and Corporate Communication has been published. The publisher is Alma Books, based in Seoul, Republic of Korea. The Korean language book title is 명성 경영 전략.

The book’s co-authors are John Doorley and Helio Fred Garcia (president of Logos Consulting Group).  The co-authors’ work is supplemented by contributions by leading practitioners who wrote chapters or supplemental material on their areas of particular expertise.  From Logos Consulting Group these include Anthony Ewing (Corporate Responsibility),  Laurel Hart (Social Media), and Raleigh Mayer (sidebar on The Art of the Pitch).  The investor relations chapter was jointly written by Helio Fred Garcia and Eugene L. Donati.

The First Edition of Reputation Management was published in 2007.  The Second Edition, published in 2011, is the edition that has been translated into Korean.  The Third Edition was published in 2015.  A Chinese language edition is due later this year from Tsinghua University Press in Beijing.

The English language editions of Reputation Management have been adopted by both graduate and undergraduate programs in dozens of universities around the world.  The book serves as the foundation of the curriculum in New York University’s MS in Public Relations and Corporate Communication.

John Doorley is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor at Elon University in North Carolina. He is formerly the founding Academic Director of the MS in Public Relations and Corporate Communication in New York University’s School of Professional Studies. He is also co-author (with Fraser Seitel) of Rethinking Reputation: How PR Trumps Marketing and Advertising in the New Media World.


Helio Fred Garcia is the author of Crisis Communications (AAAA Press, 1998) and The Power of Communication: Skills to Build Trust, Inspire Loyalty, and Lead Effectively (FT Press/Pearson, 2012).  That book was translated into Chinese in 2014 by Publishing House of Electronic Industry in Beijing.

In 2015 Helio Fred Garcia was one of four international crisis experts to speak in Seoul, Korea to government, corporate, and public health officials in the wake of several major crises that rocked Koreans’ confidence in their leaders.  Cosunilbo, Korea’s largest newspaper, hosted the Chosun Issue Forum, Crisis Management in Post-MERS Korea. He was also profiled in ChosunBiz, a weekly business newspaper, on recent crises in Korea and around the world.

Logos president Helio Fred Garcia at Chosun Issue Forum in Seoul in September

Logos president Helio Fred Garcia at Chosun Issue Forum in Seoul in September, 2015

In early 2017 Garcia will visit Korea in support of the launch of the Korean edition of Reputation Management.  The Korean edition can be purchased by clicking here.

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