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PRESS RELEASE: Helio Fred Garcia Speaks at Sino-British College in Shanghai

New York, NY (March 18, 2015) – Last week Helio Fred Garcia, President of Logos Consulting Group, shared principles from The Power of Communication: Skills to Build Trust, Inspire Loyalty, and Lead Effectively with 100 students at Sino-British College (SBC) in Shanghai, China. The Chinese language edition of The Power of Communication was published in China last year.

The Power of Communication is about how leaders can inspire, persuade, and earn the confidence of stakeholders through verbal engagement.  And about how they can build trust, inspire loyalty, and lead effectively.

“Students who participated in the lecture expressed that improving communication skills was not only for workplace but also was an important social skill for all places,” according to SBC.

The lecture is one of several appearances by Garcia at Chinese colleges and universities, including Shanghai Jiaotong University, Tianjin University, and the China campuses of New York University and Johns Hopkins University.

“It was a pleasure to share communication principles with this group of intelligent and curious students,” Garcia noted, “I hope they will learn more through reading this book.”


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