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Logos President Recognized for 30 Years on NYU Faculty

Logos Consulting Group

Logos president Helio Fred Garcia was among dozens of New York University School of Professional Studies professors who were honored on April 24, 2018 at the school’s Long Service Recognition ceremony. He is currently wrapping up his 107th NYU course. He is an adjunct associate professor of management and communication.

Garcia was appointed to the NYU faculty in 1988 to teach Investor Relations in the Management Institute of the School of Professional Studies. In 1990 he received the school’s Award for Teaching Excellence. Starting in 1991 he taught courses in ethics, advanced ethics, crisis communication, spokesmanship, and communication strategy.  Also starting in 1991 he became a curriculum development consultant to the Management Institute’s Public Relations program, and a recruiter of public relations faculty, a role he served in until 2000. Starting in 1991 he taught a faculty skills development session for all new faculty and for veteran faculty who wished to take the course. For many of those years he team taught the workshop with his NYU and current Logos colleague Raleigh Mayer.

At the Longer Service Recognition ceremony, April 24, 2018

In the 1990s he also ran or co-ran the annual Summer Institute in Public Relations, a multi-week immersion learning experience for students from around the world. For several of those years he co-ran it with his current Logos colleague Raleigh Mayer.

In 1998 Garcia received the school’s Award for Outstanding Service.

Beginning in 2003 Garcia teamed up with NYU colleague John Doorley to develop a proposal and curriculum to launch a Master of Science degree in Public Relations and Corporate Communication. That program launched in 2005, and Garcia joined the faculty of that program and recruited many of the initial professors in that program.  The M.S. in Public Relations and Corporate Communication was twice named by PR Week as the top public relations education program in the United States (2010 and 2011).  In that program Garcia launched and taught for many years the required courses in Communication Strategy and in Communication Ethics, Law, and Regulation. In 2013 he developed the elective in Crisis Communication, which he teaches three times each academic year. In 2017 he again received the school’s Award for Teaching Excellence.

In 2003 Garcia also joined the faculty of NYU’s Stern School of Business Executive MBA program, where he has since taught an annual elective in Crisis Management.  In 2016 he was named Executive MBA Great Professor by the graduating class. At Stern Garcia is an adjunct professor of management.

In addition to NYU Garcia has been on the faculties and a contract teacher at other institutions, including:

  1. Columbia University, Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Adjunct Associate Professor, 2017 – 2018.

  2. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, member of the leadership faculty, Master’s in Advanced Studies in Crisis Management and Security Policy, 2007 – 2015.

  3. Starr King School for the Ministry, Graduate Theological Union, member of the associate faculty, 2005 – 2011.

  4. Tsinghua University, Beijing, International Distinguished Scholar, 2011.

  5. Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, contract lecturer, both MBA program and Executive MBA programs (Philadelphia and San Francisco) 2000 to 2018.

  6. Communication University of China, Institute of Corporate Communication, Beijing, Senior Fellow, 2015 – 2018.

  7. U.S. Marine Corps Command and Staff College, contract lecturer, 2005 – 2009.

  8. U.S. Marine Corps General Officer Warfighting Course, contract lecturer, 2005 – 2012, 2017 2018.

  9. U.S. Air Force Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, contract lecturer, 2017.

  10. U.S. Defense Information School (DINFOS), Fort George Meade, Maryland, contract lecturer, Joint Senior Public Affairs Course and Joint Intermediate Public Affairs Course, contract lecturer, 2012 – 2018.



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