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Logos Celebrates Firm’s Newest Book Author, Kristin Johnson

Logos Consulting Group

Logos Consulting Group and Logos Institute for Crisis Management and Executive Leadership are proud to celebrate Kristin Johnson as the newest author in the firm. This month, Kristin, along with her co-author Shalon Roth, released the publication of How to Succeed in a PR Agency: Real Talk to Grow Your Career & Become Indispensable (Routledge 2019).

The book outlines foundational information that simplifies and clarifies public relations agency life. Readers can expect pro-tips from industry veterans and leaders on how to be better partners to their clients and agency team, and ultimately more successful in their agency careers.

Kristin started her career in public relations, spending nearly a decade working for top global PR agencies in New York. She joined Logos in the Spring of 2014 to transition to a communication consulting career. By Fall of that year, she was invited to join the faculty of New York University’s School of Professional Studies to teach an elective course, Public Relations Consulting, in the master’s degree program for public relations and corporate communication.

In teaching that course, Kristin began to appreciate the novelty of her PR agency experience. Her students were coming to the classroom with functional PR skills – such as how to write a press release, how to make a presentation, and how to pitch a reporter – but what they really craved was a comprehensive, substantive, put-it-all-together understanding of what it takes to contribute, grow, and thrive in a public relations agency. Foundational concepts such as billable hours, staff allocations, and the new business process were a mystery.

Kristin brought these lessons into the classroom, but knew there was a broader audience. PR agencies are exhilarating places to work, but there is no “how-to do PR” manual. Much of the job is “watch and learn,” and “sink or swim.” And, if foundational concepts were demystified early in the careers of PR pros – everyone would benefit. After sharing this with her former colleague Shalon, who also saw this struggle, the two set out to create a text that would help aspiring and junior/mid-level PR professionals to better prepare for career success.

The book is enhanced with industry endorsement and participation. Industry veterans are already sharing praise for the book, and 17 chapters include an “industry insights” contribution from a diverse mix of PR pros representing a broad range of impressive PR agencies. In addition to being required reading in undergraduate and graduate classrooms, the book is a primer for entry and junior/mid-level PR professionals looking to accelerate their understanding of and career growth in a PR agency.

Logos team members have several books and publications to their name, including:

  1. The Agony of Decision: Mental Readiness and Leadership in Crisis, by Helio Fred Garcia, and the winner of Book Authority’s “Best Crisis Management Books of All Time”

  2. The Power of Communication: Skills to Build Trust, Inspire Loyalty, and Lead Effectively, by Helio Fred Garcia, which has been translated from English and published in Chinese and Korean

  3. Business and Human Rights: From Principles to Practice, by Dorothee Baumann-Pauly and Justine Nolan, with a chapter by Anthony Ewing from Logos

  4. Reputation Management: The Key to Successful Public Relations and Corporate Communication, by John Doorley and Logos President Helio Fred Garcia

Please visit the Logos Library for more books and publications by Logos team members.



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