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Logos President Helio Fred Garcia Decodes Incendiary Language in 2024 Presidential Election in Exclusive Webinar

On August 8, 2024, Logos president Helio Fred Garcia was the featured speaker in an exclusive CommPro industry webinar on understanding and decoding the language being used in the 2024 presidential campaigns.

The webinar, titled "Using Language to Unify and Divide: Harris vs. Trump," was organized by in partnership with the Foreign Press Association and CommunicationsMatch. It was moderated by Simon Erskine Locke, Vice President of the Foreign Press Association and CEO of CommunicationsMatch™.

Over the course of this webinar, Garcia examined the historical context of incendiary language that predictably leads to violence, calling upon the insights in his book Words on Fire: The Power of Incendiary Language and How to Confront It. He explored how we see those same patterns of incendiary language in the former president Trump's current campaign for president, and the different dynamic of rhetoric used by Vice President Kamala Harris's campaign. And Garcia outlined opportunities for journalists and communicators to combat incendiary language over the remainder of the 2024 election cycle.

Watch the full webinar on-demand here.


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